An innovative and easy to handle cup holder for reusable cups
- Lucrative & movable advertising space- Giveaway for companies & sponsors- Huge efficiency range- Merchandising items for festivals, events or sport clubs, ...
- Inspire liberty of movement- Protect from spillage- Protection from rohyphenol (roofies) or others while consumption of drinks- Souvenir & collector's item
Added value for Reusables
- Patent- Our products are registered at WIPO (global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation) in Geneva (Switzerland) for Europe and Switzerland. This includes protection of design. - The Brand Cuptool is registered at HABM (office for harmonization in the internal market for trade marks and design) in Alicante for Europe.
We print every single motive, item or logo color accurate and pin sharp printed
- Production: Adoma GmbH (D)- Material: PPE and TPE- Conform to food regulations- Every color and fluorescen- Pin sharp printing- Appealing design- Distribution: Cup Systems AG (CH) and Cup&More GmbH (CH)
- Project management: Our strength- Supply chain: We are ready - Production, print, inbound and outbound logistics as customs and placement- Supply chain management (including coordination with organizer) - Expertise in active promoting - Best choice in order & team quantity - Distribution frequency, prime-time slots- After sales support & feedback
46 mm
Printable space
- Lucrative & movable advertising space - Giveaway for companies & sponsors- Huge efficiency range- Merchandising items for festivals, events or sport clubs, ...
- Inspire liberty of movement- Protect from spillage- Protection from rohyphenol (roofies) or others while consumption of drinks- Souvenir & collector's item
- Project management: Our strength- Supply chain: We are ready - Production, print, inbound and outbound logistics as customs and placement- Supply chain management (including coordination with organizer)- Expertise in active promoting - Best choice in order & team quantity - Distribution frequency, prime-time slots- After sales support & feedback